10cups(80 g) plain white popped popcorn,about ½ cup kernels
Preheat oven to 250°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large saucepan over medium heat, add brown sugar, butter, corn syrup, salt, and vanilla. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
Stir in the baking soda.
Place popcorn in a lightly greased large bowl. Pour the caramel mixture over the top and gently fold in the popcorn with a greased wooden spatula.
Pour the mixture onto the lined baking sheet, spreading it out into an even layer.
Bake for 60 minutes, gently stirring the popcorn occasionally, until darkened and dry.
Let the caramel corn cool to room temperature before serving.
*You can double all of the caramel ingredients if you want, creating a lot of extra ooey gooey caramel popcorn. Any leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator.