I was trying to be a tease.
The whole point of these cookies is to tease.
I wanted to make you guess what the sex of the baby is… but then I was so impatient and just could not keep a secret that I posted it on my mommy blog.
So please, dont go over there and find out the answer. It would ruin all the fun!
But not really.
In honor of our soon to be addition (I am 28 weeks now!) I wanted to give YOU a new addition.
No, not my baby.
Yes, some of my cookies!
You are so smart.
More on that in a sec.
I made some cupcakes too!
I love those little fingers gripping the edge of our little cupcake.
Reminds me of some cute sneaky kids I know. Certainly not my own! *cough*
These cookies/cupcakes could not have been easier to make! My only MUST DO tip is: Use a REALLY thick icing consistency on the little fingers.
Otherwise they will run together and just be blob hands. And who wants a baby with blob hands?
Here is how to enter to win ONE DOZEN decorated sugar cookies!
Leave a comment on this post answering the question:
What do you think I am having, a boy or girl? And if by chance, you were to guess boy for some random reason, can you please also suggest some names? Thank you.
Of course, you do not need to be right to win.
All you need is a valid email. Also, I can only ship cookies to a US address. Sorry!
As if I havent already given enough hints as it is, here is one more. 🙂
I will select two winners!
Good luck!
Quite possible the BEST and most complete list of boy baby names I have EVER come across! You guys are awesome!! I think one or two of you even guessed the name that I have been pondering!
Anywho… here are the winners!
Boy! Congratulations 🙂 If you’re feeling adventurous, I suggest Mohan. It means “charming” in Hindi.
Posted by: Rima | Jan 07, 2011 at 06:41 PM
I’m guessing a boy :), not that you gave it away or anything :D. What about Ethan or Daniel? Or Mark? Sam? Ok, I’m not so good at picking names haha.
Posted by: Lily | Jan 08, 2011 at 02:39 PM
Congrats Rima and Lily!
Boy! I love your post and those cookies! Rafael, Eric, Clark, Nathan.
A boy! My husband and I have a hard time agreeing on boy’s names. Our combined favorites are Titus, Xavier, Quinn, and Kieran.
I love the names jedediah, Johnathan, and Noah!!!!
I’ll ‘guess’ boy! And as for a name… My top three would be Cayden, Austin, and Donovan!
Love the cookies and I say boy =) Current favorite names are Elliot, Taylor, and Lucas! Congrats!
Congratulations on your baby boy! I like Benjamin. I also love your cookies and decorating so much!
Two winners doesn’t mean twins, does it? Congratulations, Amanda, whomever is sent to your home is a blessed child of our Heavenly Father who was chosen to be sent to a loving home. I couldn’t be happier for you!
Im going to guess boy…just a hunch! I have always loved the name Eli for a boy and will probaly end up naming my son that if I ever have one. If not that, I really love Liam. I would be aboslutely delighted to win some cookies! Have fun
Our 2nd choice name for our son was Hunter Garrett (but that was 9 years ago!). I also like Brayden as a boy name.
I guess boy, and I suggest the names William and James. Congrats!