I suddenly got this brilliant idea that I wanted to make Red Velvet fudge. ย So I sat down and googled it, hoping for a great, no fail recipe.

Those words are very important to a bad recipe follower like myself.


No such luck.

I couldnt even find a match for ‘red velvet fudge’.

I was totally dejected.


Then it hit me… I could create a recipe!

At the very least, significantly modify an existing one.


I started here, with Martha’s Foolproof Holiday Fudge.


I added food coloring and used white chocolate chips and red cherry flavored chips.

Talk about significant modifications. *snort*


Thingย is, this recipe is just not my favorite. ย It was good, but not mind blowing.


(side by side comparison of the two recipes I made… I love the texture on the second)

So then I found a recipe on allrecipes.com. ย I read it twenty seven times. ย I read every comment.

I figured, if I could make a recipe for red velvet fudge, like real red velvet fudge, it would be from this one.





If you ever try this, please let me know what you think!

Happy Holidays!


Red Velvet Fudge Recipe

Red Velvet Fudge

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
cool 1 hour
Total Time 40 minutes
I suddenly got this brilliant idea that I wanted to make Red Velvet fudge. So I sat down and googled it, hoping for a great, no fail recipe.


  • 2 c white sugar
  • 1/4 c cocoa
  • 1 c buttermilk
  • 3 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 tsp. red gel food coloring


  • Using a 5ร—9 pan (typically same size as banana bread pan, if you want thinner pieces, use 8ร—8) line pan with wax parchment paper or wax paper.
  • Make sure you have some extra on all four sides.
  • Combine sugar, cocoa, buttermilk, sweet condensed milk (if you choose to add it), and food coloring in a non stick pan. (I used a big pot) Stir to combine. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, but do not scrape down the sides. (to avoid getting crystallized sugar in fudge)
  • Using a well calibrated thermometer, make sure the fudge gets up to 238 degrees.
  • Reduce heat and allow fudge to simmer. DO NOT STIR. At all. Like seriously dont even touch the pan.
  • Allow fudge to cool to 110 degrees and add butter and vanilla.
  • Beat by hand or use electric mixer until fudge loses its sheen. (I used an electric mixer for 20 minutes. Not kidding. Some folks say this stage takes 3-5 minutes.)
  • Place in prepared pan and allow to cool, usually 1-2 hours.
  • This recipe yielded 25 small squares.

Did you make this recipe?

Thank you for making my recipe! You took pictures, right? Well go ahead and post them on Instagram! Be sure to mention me @iambaker and use the hashtag #YouAreBaker.

*Next time I make this I am going to try 1/2 cup buttermilk and 1/2 cup sweet condensed milk… I think it could handle a little more sweetness!


Happy Note to Share:

I had read that a great way to clean your pot after baking fudge is to add some milk, reheat the pot, then enjoy a wonderfully delicious cup cocoa… or in our case, ย Red Velvet Hot Cocoa!!

Yes, I really did just say Red Velvet Hot Cocoa. ย I actually did that and can attest to itsย wonderfulness!!

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Meet Amanda Rettke

Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion โ€“ With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Country Living Magazine, People Magazine, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The Globe and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to name a few.

Reader Comments

  1. This recipe is awesome, I would like to post it on my blog with a link back to you. Butterfly Cottage Family Recipe’s.
    I recently posted a Red Vevet Cake Recipe too.

  2. I just made this today and for some reason it didn’t set. It got really gooey, but it’s definitely not fudge. ๐Ÿ™ Does anyone know what might have happened? I followed the recipe (well I did use “fake” buttermilk like someone had suggested because I didn’t have any).

    ps I will be eating it with a spoon, but I can’t give it out as a gift, as I had intended.

    1. So sorry! One thing I have learned with fudge is that a good thermometer is KEY. I just made some caramels and realized that my thermometer was at least 5 degrees off. My soft ball stage turned into hard and nails suckers!

      But I am so sorry that yours were not presentable!

  3. I made this today and it tastes great, but I did have the same problem as Kristin Morris. I really had to force it into the pan! Oh well, as long as it tastes good I’m happy!

    1. I am so sorry!! Fudge can be SO temperamental. I just feel awful when it doesnt work like it supposed to. ๐Ÿ™

  4. Oh. My. Awesomeness! I tried this recipe on a lark and it is now my new holiday favorite! I made one regular batch that turned out beautifully. I needed more, so I doubled the recipe, thinking it would be faster to do one big batch, rather than two more small ones. Big mistake. The single recipe was perfect – the texture was just right, the color perfect. The double batch didn’t work nearly as well. I’ll stick with the small batch in the future and just plan to make multiples.

    Super recipe – thank you so much!!

  5. OK – you did say a “reliable” thermometer didn’t you? Well, my thermomether is over 20 years old and I made this delicious recipe using 1/2 buttermilk and 1/2 sweetend condensed milk, inserted my thermometer and wait for the 238 degrees. Just one problem – it smelled like it was burning at around 210 so I stuck in my two backup thermomethers and yep, I was at 249. Now I have this sticky guey delicious stuff (not fudge at all). So now I’m thinking what can be made with this when the light bulb when off – Red Velvet Almond Candy. So I cooled the batch, took a T in my hand and rolled it around a toasted whole almond and wrapped in colored celophane and twisted the ends. THIS IS GOOD STUFF!!!

    Now I have to get a new therm and make the fudge again. Thank you for sharing your recipe with us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Yeah, this was a massive fail for me, too. Not sure what I did. If you’re supposed ot keep simmerng, how long does it take to get to 110? I had it simmering for well over an hour and it wasn’t budging below 200. So i turned off the heat and it cooled down, but then it got pretty hard. I reheated it to add the butter and vanilla and it softened a bit, but not much and I basically removed it in a big clump to put in the pan. Once it set, I couldn’t even cut it – I had to literally snap it over my knee! Needless to say, it ended up in the trash. Hoping to try it again soon, but any tips on what I might have done wrong?

    1. Hi Erin! It sounds like it went past the soft ball stage to hard ball stage and turned into a sucker. It is really important to use a thermometer with this recipe. I am so sorry you had a bad experience… sounds like you didnt even get to try some! ๐Ÿ™

  7. This recipe looks phenomenal! I must try! Not to mention everything I’ve seen you post. I’m really excited to explore more!

    In response to those having difficulty with their thermometers, I rarely use one, and when I do, it’s primarily for back up. There are ways of checking your sugar while it’s cooking to see if it’s soft ball. Once you notice your sugar boil, keep an eye on it. It will start with small bubbles and they’ll get bigger and slower. Once you notice the bubbles are getting bigger, ย dip a spoon in the sugar, and immediately let it drip into a wide glass of cold water. Hot sugar is very dangerous so be careful not to touch it until it has landed into the cold water. Once in the water, you can stick your hand in and play with it. Try and ball it together. If its too loose, your not there yet. Just repeat this ever minute until you can just start to form it into a very soft ball (hence the term soft ball). If you wait too long and the sugar hardens right when you put it into the cold water, it’s way past the point you need for the recipe. Either scratch it or red velvet hard candies it is! ย 

    Hope that’s somewhat helpful. I’m sure you can find more information online about finding the soft ball stage of sugar without having a thermometer.

    Now to go make me some red velvet fudge!

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