I dont know about you, but I have sorta eaten a lot in the last few weeks.  And when I say a lot, I mean a lot.

Not only have I eaten like its going out of style, but I have let the kids diets slide as well… not saying no when grandma offers them a cookie. (or eight)  Letting them eat all of their bread and none of their veggies at Christmas dinners… not taking away the sweet treats and candy gifts people are so generous with during the Holidays.

So I knew I needed to give them some super foods… something to get their little gastrointestinal system back on track.

Bring on the smoothies.

My kids love smoothies.

And for the record, I do to.

I am going to share with you my super powered, body healing, stomach soothing, palate pleasing turbo smoothie.



Here’s how you make it.

Grab your cup of frozen blueberries.  I just buy a ton during the summer when they have them ‘buy one get one free’ at the grocery store and throw them in the freezer.


Put blueberries in your blender.  Add one cup of water.

Add banana. Blend well.


Add kale.  I pull all of the leaves off the stem first… the stem is extremely bitter.


Add spinach.  Fresh baby spinach works good too.


Blend everything together really well.  On my blender, which was manufacture in 1979 I kid you not, I have to blend it for about 3 minutes.

Now, taste it.

Is it perfect?  Then you have done well my friend and have no need of my super secret ingredient.

Is it slightly bitter?

Then you might want to try this.


Is that a super fun  ingredient or what???  If you can find organic even better.  I would add no more then 1 teaspoon, but start with 1/2 teaspoon and see how it goes.

Now, sometimes I get really, really bitter kale.  Usually the banana cuts most of the bitterness, but when it doesn’t, I just add a teaspoon of this.


But most of the time the sugar is not necessary.

Now, why a blueberry, kale, spinach, banana smoothie?

1. It tastes good.

2. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and rate highest among other fruits and vegetables in their capacity to destroy free radicals.

3. Bananas are awesome.  If you would like some more technical terms go here.

4. Kale is in season in the winter, and appears to be able to lessen the occurrence of a wide variety of cancers, including breast and ovarian cancers. New research is revealing that phytonutrients in crucifers, such as
kale, work at a much deeper level. These compounds actually signal our
genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the
cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful compounds.

Talk about body cleansing. (for more info on kale click here)

5. Spinach rocks.  Just ask Popeye.  Calorie for calorie spinach provides more nutrients than any
other food
.  Feeling sluggish from all those cookies?  I promise some spinach will give you back some energy!

Let me know if you try it, or if you are already a super smoothie drinking momma.

If you are, why have we not discussed this sooner?  I need details girl! 🙂

Share with your friends!

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Meet Amanda Rettke

Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion – With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Country Living Magazine, People Magazine, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The Globe and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to name a few.

Reader Comments

  1. I am soooooooo excited you have this site! I thank the Lord everday for friends like you but more for those that are true! Your the best, my friend and may GOD continue to bless not only you, but those you’ve touched through your work and kindness. God love you and yours always my friend,

  2. We love smoothies around here too! And this just reminded me I forgot spinach when I grocery shopped earlier today.

  3. Hi Amanda! Thanks for the recipe… all the pictures make it look so appetizing… I’ve been looking for ways to “disguise” veggies in things for the kids… and us. We’re taking the next step in changing our diet at home/ridding house of “junk”. We’ve finally successfully made the switch to all whole grain breads and pastas (was easy for me, but not so for my husband and kids).
    Have a great evening! Kari
    P.S. You really had me laughing about your super secret ingredient! 🙂

  4. Yum! I will totally have to try this, because, well….I have gained more than 10 lbs in just a month from all the crud I have been consuming. Let’s just say I need to get back on track! Bring on the spinach!:)

  5. I’ll have to think about that one…. But I will admit that I’ve drank the naked fruit green maching smoothies and they look kinda wierd too but taste really good, so maybe.

  6. We love smoothies here at our house. But I gotta say, we have only done fruit smoothies. I have never added any vegetables of any kind. I want to try it but I’m scared. I’m such a chicken when it comes to trying new things. But if you recommend it I’m sure it is good, so I’m going to try to get the courage up and give this one a try.

  7. We love smoothies here at our house. But I gotta say, we have only done fruit smoothies. I have never added any vegetables of any kind. I want to try it but I’m scared. I’m such a chicken when it comes to trying new things. But if you recommend it I’m sure it is good, so I’m going to try to get the courage up and give this one a try.

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