Let’s talk ginger.

Not the hair (although that would be fun too because I happened to have given birth to ginger baby). ย The vegetable. ย Or as most refer to it, the herb or spice.

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Chocolate Caramel Ginger Cookies!

Chocolate Caramel Ginger Cookies

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Letโ€™s talk ginger.


  • 12 ounces mini bittersweet chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter cut into chunks
  • 3 large eggs at room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Ginger Caramels cut into 1 inch squares
  • 1 teaspoon crystallized ginger


  • Place chocolate and butter into a heat safe bowl and set bowl over a saucepan filled with 1 inch of simmering water.
  • Stir chocolate until fully melted then remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
  • Whisk in eggs and sugar until fully incorporated.
  • Now add in flour, baking powder and salt. Stir until dough comes together and then chill for about 2 hours.
  • When ready to prepare cookies, remove dough from fridge and using a small cookie scoop, prepare 12 scoops of dough. (Each cookie will use 2 cookie dough balls.)
  • Be sure your cookie sheet is lined in parchment.
  • Press the dough ball flat to about 1/2 inch thickness and place a ginger caramel inside. Press another flattened dough ball on top and press sides together, making sure there is a tight seal.
  • Do this six times and place on parchment lined cookie sheet.
  • Bake six cookies for 8 minutes at 350. (you will be baking for one more minute after adding ginger. If not adding crystallized ginger, bake cookies for 9 minutes.) Repeat until dough is gone.
  • If adding crystallized ginger pieces, add 5-7 pieces evenly dispersed over cookie. Cookie will spread out considerably, so place ginger pieces all the way to the edge of the cookie.
  • Put back in oven for 1 minute.
  • Allow cookies to cool slightly before eating.

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Chocolate Caramel Ginger Cookies!

After seeing this recipe you will be, in one form or another. ย Of this I am confident.

Know why I am so confident? ย Because it is a subtle infusion.

It’s a hint of ginger. ย An essence if you will.

I started out with a beautiful ginger infused caramel.

Ginger Caramels

But before I get into that you probably want to know why I am making ginger infused caramels. ย Well, a little while back I was asked to participate in a challenge for Caribou Coffee.

Challenge: create a new holiday recipe inspired by Caribou Coffee’s Gingersnap Cookie Mocha using ground or fresh ginger.ย 

Once I saw the challengeย was from Caribou Coffee I jumped at the chance to participate. ย My husband is a huge fan of the coffee as well as the fabulous local coffee houses and spends a good deal of time there most weekday mornings.

But then I got totally thrown off by the whole “ginger”thing. ย Shy of making their exact coffee blend into a cookie, how was I going to create a sweet and delicious treat inspired by ginger?

1. Make it into caramels.

2. The end.

Ginger Caramels!


I had my heart set on a cookie.

My vision was a decadent cookie resting precariously on the side of a steaming coffee mug in front of a roaring fire. ย Feet up, cozy slippers on, Christmas music in the background and children happily reading books next to me.

As with all visions, it should start with baby steps. ย So first, theย caramels.

Next, the decadent cookie.

Process shot of Chocolate Caramel Ginger Cookies

I knew I wanted to stuff that amazing carmel into a cookie dough, but finding the perfect dough was a challenge. ย Most chocolate cookies that I tried were cocoa based and couldn’t hold their own when paired with the caramel.

But, I finally was able to find a recipe that worked. ย This recipe uses only actual chocolate to flavor the cookie which is exactly the pure and intense zingย I was going for!

Ginger Caramel Recipe

Recipe adapted from myrecipes.com.

Chocolate Caramel Ginger Cookies!

So the cookie isn’t resting on the mug, but I think next to it will do.

Tips & Tricks

I recommend making the caramels at least one day before making the cookies. ย They worked best cooled to room temperature and cut into squares.

If you are using crystallized ginger make sure you chop it into VERY very small pieces. ย (After a great deal of feedback I think my pieces on the cookies above were much too big and too close together.) ย It is extremely potent stuff and will overpower the chocolate & caramels. ย When placing the pieces onto the hot cookie, tryย sprinkling it like it is sanding sugar. ย Make sure the pieces are spread out over the cookie as much as possible.

The dough can be made 1-2 days in advance and kept in the fridge. ย Cookies will last about 1 week in an airtight container.

HINT: Put the cookies in an airtight container that is slightly bigger than you would need. ย Set cookies in, then place a piece of bread in the container. ย The bread will turn hard and the cookies will stay soft!

Chocolate Caramel Ginger Cookies!

We have decadent cookies. ย We have a hot cup of fabulous Caribou Coffee.

I guess the only thing left is the roaring fire, and I think that is up to you. ย The rest of it… well. ย I will just be happy with the cookies. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Meet Amanda Rettke

Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion โ€“ With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Country Living Magazine, People Magazine, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The Globe and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to name a few.

Reader Comments

  1. These cookies were so darn good that I found it hard to share, as I do with everything else I bake! I love your recipes…I only wish I had more time to try them all.

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