I gotta tell you.  I can find a way to turn even the healthiest of ingredients into junk food.

Blueberry pie.

Broccoli smothered in cheese.

Carrots dipped in buttermilk ranch dressing.

So when I heard that Country Crock was encouraging families to be eat more vegetables and to use a healthier alternative to butter, I knew I wanted to do it.

Normally, we will have a deep fried chicken breast with  pasta smothered in cheese, butter and oil with strawberry shortcake for dessert.

How on earth was I going to make the a healthier meal and make it fit into the new USDA guidelines??

Challenge accepted grasshopper.

(and I soon realized it was a lot easier then I thought!)


I decided to add some of the magnificent zucchini that is growing in the garden.  My husband thought it would be a great idea to grill it, so the kids could see just how beautiful it is.

He cut up 1/2 inch to 1 inch slices and coated with a teaspoon of EVOO and some spices.

Since we are a family of six and since we are trying to be conscience of portion size, I made three chicken breasts instead of five. (the 5 month old doesn’t eat grilled chicken quite yet)

These were simply marinated in terriyaki sauce and then grilled right along side the zucchini.


Instead of pasta we went with an USDA approved organic rice.

Surprisingly, one of my favorite substitutions ended up being some fresh cut strawberries.  Its amazing how that healthy sweetness trigger my brain that I was full, in the same way the cake would have.


Now, I love butter.  I thought I was going to miss it in my quest for cooking better.

After doing some research, I realized that  Country Crock is a healthier alternative to butter,  but with all the flavor!  With Country Crock I could even get calcium and Vitamin D!   Goodbye nasty trans fats!

So I went all in.  And decided to make a Bearnaise sauce.

I adapted this recipe from Micheal Ruhlman.

I would recommend following his directions (full video as well), as I did not have an emulsion blender.

Gotta tell ya. The flavor of the chicken and zucchini when the bearnaise was lightly drizzled over top… was… well…


Guilt free indulgence.


It was also delicious on the white rice!  So with less than a tablespoon of the Bearnaise, we were able to deliciously flavor the entire plate.

Well.  Except for the strawberries.

My kids gobbled up that zucchini.  They gobbled up their rice.  They smiled as they ate their strawberries.

They even went so far as to have seconds of the grilled zucchini!

Now wouldn’t you enjoy seeing that delighted expression on your families faces right after they eat something that you know is better for them???

Think you want to try incorporating vegetables into your everyday meals?  If you do be sure to leave a comment and tell me how it went!

When you do, you will be entered to win a $100 Cooking.com gift card!

Now how easy is that? 🙂

No duplicate comments. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

You may enter between August 24 – September 30th.


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Meet Amanda Rettke

Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion – With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Country Living Magazine, People Magazine, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The Globe and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to name a few.

Reader Comments

  1. I recently discovered roasting carrots and cauliflower together with some cumin and a tiny bit of olive oil–so delicious!

  2. I sneak in veggies by grating them into recipes. My husband is none the wiser until I unveil my veggie sneaking. Hey, every little bit helps!

  3. My daughter just started eating more solids and one of the things she loves is vegetables – long beans, zucchini, broccoli. I think I lucked out. She went though a whole zucchini and a handful of long beans by herself yesterday. It was amazing!!!

  4. we always are pretty good veggie eaters in this house, but the hubby is low-carbing for a few weeks to lose a few inches for a fitness test. ive had to get creative to totally cut things like pasta and rice out! the secret to making just about any veggie sooo tasty? lemon and salt. not a lot of salt. but a lot of lemon.
    and maybe a little REAL butter. the not-butter butter is scary, yall.

  5. I’ve been trying to eat more vegetables with every meal (okay, not breakfast yet :)) and it’s definitely gotten easier.

  6. My favorite way to eat veggies is to stick them in a blender and mix them in with a different food. 🙂 My son and I don’t even taste them!

  7. I’m a vegetarian, and I LOVE vegetables. I eat them all the time. One of my favorite meals is a giant pile of sliced veggies, cold soba noodles and a light peanut sauce or soy sauce/sesame oil/rice wine sauce.

  8. As a college student… I eat a lot of ramen. Stereotypical, I know. BUT today when I stopped at the grocery store to restock, I grabbed a few bags of mixed stir-fry vegetables to sautee up and mix with my noodles. Way more satisfying and healthy! Not to mention delicious ;o)

  9. I make a veggie soup and my son really likes the broth. I put every kind of veg scraps in the freezer and when the bag fills up I make broth. So far so good.

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