The smiley, happy, silly rainbows on this cake are totally inspired by those amazing frosting covered sugar cookies you get at the bakery. Or at least, at the grocery store bakery that I would frequent in my youth.
Those cookies were the only thing that made shopping trips tolerable for my mother when I was young. The promise of just one of those delectable cookies was enough to exhilarate my senses and make me… well… behave.
Its funny how sugar still triggers that emotional response in me today!
Anywho… here are some over the top, crazy, supposed to make your heart happy rainbows.

All of those rainbows are pure sugar highs… courtesy of my favorite buttercream recipe of all time.

Since this is a St. Patrick’s Day cake I actually made hundreds of gold coins for the base of the rainbows. I just made my homemade sprinkles, only bigger. But since I made them bigger they were taking forever to dry and I got impatient.
Hence, fluffy frosting clouds.
Next year I will plan better.
I mean, I probably wont, but I can pretend.

And then, because it seems to be physically impossible for me to make a cake without a surprise inside, I decided to add a shamrock.
Seriously… I made so many impulsive choices on this cake! I dont know what I was thinking.
Like instead of a bright green jolly shamrock, mine is really, really dark. I thought it would be a fun to make Nigella’s Guiness chocolate cake (beer… St. Patrick’s Day… it seemed like a good idea) and then just add a little bit of green so it wouldn’t be IN YOUR FACE green.
Like with this St. Patty’s Day cake.
I will show you what I mean.

Its dark.
And mostly resembles a shamrock.
At least it tastes fantastic!! (white cake recipe here)
This was one TOUGH cake. I really dont think a tutorial is possible because I need a full year to forget how much work it was.
Sorta like having a baby. Which I will be doing in 17 days. (scheduled C-Section)
TMI for a baking blog???
Sorry. 🙂
I can only imagine it must have taken you hours to get the shamrock just right. At least that is what I’m telling myself so I don’t feel bad knowing I would never be able to do it! lol You are one amazing lady and only 17 days ’til baby – seriously AMAZING!
this is fantastic! I came here looking for a rose cake for a birthday and I found this which is perfect for my other daughters rainbow birthday
This is just ridiculous. WHY DOESN’T MY BRAIN WORK THIS WAY?!
So, so awesome!!!
If you ever decide to, I would LOVE tutorial on how you added the shamrock!
Great job!
Congratulations on the new baby!
very impressive, we are all in awe of your talent and cannot figure out how you did it.. if you do it again.. please take photos along the way.
I wanna make this cake. No joke please email me. I LOVE challenges when it comes to baking.
i tried clicking on the recipe link and it brought me to the heart cake. My sister would absolutely ADORE this cake. her and her fiancee are crazy over the whole irish thing ♥
Ok I read a bunch and I couldn’t find anywhere how you did the shamrock. How do you do that?? And someone mentioned a heart cake…how do you make the shape in the middle. I am a baker and I MUST know!!!
i want This Recipe!!!
Is there anyway that you could point me in the direction of a tutorial for this cake. My kids saw it and would love for me to make them one.