thin mint cake

Thin Mint Cake

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
I wanted to do a super quick post to show you how to make the Daisy Cake. I got sidetracked.


  • 1 box chocolate cake mix
  • 1 c water
  • 2 sticks butter softened
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp. + 1/4 tsp peppermint extract
  • 1/3 c extra virgin olive oil


  • Heat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Combine all ingredients in a mixer on low for thirty seconds, then increase speed to medium and mix until just combined.
  • Pour into prepared pans (I used two 8in pans) and bake for 30-40 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

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I wanted to do a super quick post to show you how to make the Daisy Cake. I got sidetracked.

Big time.


See, I thought I would make the frosting slightly green so the daisy would show up better and then I thought I should make it peppermint if it was green and then I thought I should make a chocolate cake cause what goes better with peppermint then chocolate and then I found a recipe for a chocolate peppermint cake but I was missing a bunch of ingredients but then I decided to make it anyway.

Lets do that tutorial quick.


I used a 127D tip from Wilton.


Just hold it at about a 45 degree angle, then apply consistent pressure to your pastry bag and create your flower petal shape. ย Try not to change the angle of the tip.


Just start in the middle then move up (applying consistent pressure) to the edge of the cake then back to the middle.

Do this all the way around the cake to get your Daisy effect.

And try to ignore the terrible pictures.. I was trying to get the shot as I was piping and it got all wobbly. ย Whoops!


Using a large round tip (I used a 2A) go back in and add the yellow center. ย Viola!


And now for the greatest cake I have ever made.


As I sit here I can even imagine the smell that engulfed my kitchen as I opened the oven for that first peak… its my new *happy place*.

I cannot express enough to you how scrumptious and delicious and perfect this cake tastes.

If you have ever enjoyed a thin mint you must try this. ย You must.

Like, I am making you.

Except I have no way of enforcing this demand so never mind.

And please… if you have any hang ups at all about using a box cake mix… just force yourself through it. ย If I can find a way to replicate this flavor from scratch believe me I will be sharing it.

The frosting is here. ย Just plain ole buttercream. ย A perfect compliment to this amazing cake.

Eat. Enjoy. Share.



AHHH! THE BANANA!!! I had no idea people would react so much to banana and mint. ๐Ÿ™‚

If you do not like banana or are allergic to banana or think bananas were created by the devil, then please feel free to leave it out.

If you want to have an extra level of texture and moisture in your cake then leave it in!


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Meet Amanda Rettke

Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion โ€“ With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Country Living Magazine, People Magazine, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The Globe and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to name a few.

Reader Comments

  1. Fantastic tips Karyl! Thank you for offering up your advice. I am sure that will help others. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Is there a reasonable from-scratch recipe to use instead of boxed? I’m scared that the mix I got is the wrong kind and wrong amount, too. I’m in Sweden, and the mix is about 12 oz, just add water…

  3. I tried this yesterday, except in cupcake form (my cakes always turn out less than pretty, and who doesn’t love a cupcake?!). Anywhos, I absolutely love this! I cannot wait to play around with a few variants that popped into mind while I was mixing then decorating! Thanks a ton!!!
    (Please forgive my awful photo; it was taken with my non-flashing camera phone because my really nice camera has -gasp- completely stopped working. In real life, the icing is heavenly white and the chocolate is deep and lush.)

  4. Um, yum!!! I totally have a banana just begging to be made into a delectable chocolate cake! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I can now report that the cake turned out great!! Really awesome – thanks so much for posting this, it’ll definitely be something to make again!

  6. I recently made this cake and L-O-V-E’d it. Although I did think the peppermint was a tad too powerful; if I make it again I’ll try with a little less extract.

  7. Hi Amanda,
    So while, I didn’t like it with the cinnamon in it, my husband liked this cake. Of course, I don’t like cinnamon. I think I’d love this cake sans cinnamon! Thanks, again for the recipe!

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