I just love when great stuff happens! It appears that this idea has taken on a life of its own and how cool is that??
So! To answer your questions…
Yes! You can repost this on your blog if you want! You can blog about it whenever you like, but March 3rd might be a fun day for everyone to do it. Of course, if you would rather just bless a pregnant friend privately, well, bless your heart! I just love that.
I am loving reading through emails and comments about how this has touched you! You are such a blessing to me!
Feel free to also join the new Facebook group! March 3rd is right around the corner!
And thanks to Londa, here is a button for you! Thank you so much Londa, this is beautiful!

So my hubbys cousin Leah emailed me and asked if we could watch her kids next Wed. (She just happens to be almost nine months pregnant!) I immediately said yes because I adore her kids and my kids adore her kids and its a fun time had by all!
But what struck me was her subject line.
"March 3rd is National Help a Pregnant Woman Day."
She informed me she was kidding but I got to thinking…wouldn't it be nice?
Well, yes Leah. I think it would!
So, I have a little challenge for you! Do you know someone who is expecting? Are you expecting?
If you know someone…why not plan an act of kindness for them?
Stop by and fold some laundry.
Drop off baked goods.
Send flowers.
Hand write her a note of love and appreication
Babysit her other kids for an hour.
Send her a gift card to Starbucks. (for after the baby of course!)
If you are pregnant… just send a link of this post to everyone you know!
Maybe someone will read it and snap up the opportunity to do something for you!
You can always email me or comment here and I will try to match you up or do something sweet for you myself!
I would love to be able to reach out and let all the pregnant mama's know how loved, special, and appreciated they are!
So what do you think? Can we make March 3rd National Help a Pregnant Lady Day? 🙂
March 3rd is my sister’s birthday…She’s in Ghana so I should tell her she has to do something virtually nice for me 🙂
Unfortunatly I don’t know anyone that is pregnant right now. Well I take that back, several of the ladies in my mommy group are, but its an online group and everyone is very far away from me. 🙁 As for me, I’m not pregnant, just fat 😛 I wish I was prego, but we can’t afford another now, if the time ever comes that we can I’ll be to old I’m sure lol. I should just be happy with the 4 healthy kids I have…right?
How fun! I think this should be a National thing- twice a year so that it never misses anyone. I’m almost 11 weeks along with my first baby. Someone sent a bowl of soup to me last night and it seriously made my day!
I’m due in 29 days and I think it would be fabulous if March 3rd was National Help a Pregnant Woman Day! Let’s face it, at this stage in the pregnancy game, who doesn’t want (NEED) help! Sadly, I want help, but don’t like to ask for it. It’s become hard to wipe up what’s left of my kids’ meals off the floor, lift them into their car seats, and lean over the side of the tub at bath time 🙂
Now I’m gonna wish I were pregnant. LOL. I need a “Be nice to the mom who is sick and who has four sick children and a sick husband” Day. 🙂 It’s our first sickness of the year, so I shouldn’t complain……
I LOVE this idea!!!! Someone should make this a fan page on Facebook!!! 😉
I had no idea that there was such a day. That is pretty neat really and you gave some really good ideas. I know a few people who are pregnant right now. 🙂
I am in for it- I have three at my office alone. Great idea!
What a great idea!!! Can I repost/link this on my blog tomorrow? I am SO excited! When I was pregnant with our first baby, a friend randomly brought by a huge bag of Italian food and a baby blanket. It’s still my favorite pregnant memory!!! Thanks for being so creative and thoughtful!
I’m in! 🙂 Just kidding. It’s a fun idea though. For a few of my good friends I gave them baby gifts as soon as they knew they were pregnant. It was a fun way to celebrate with them.