You guys aren’t messin around.

When I placed the idea out there.. the idea that I would create three different cakes from one decorators tip… I had NO idea what I was thinking.

The most commonly requested tip was #233.

The grass tip.

Most commonly used to make grass. In green.


And nothing else.

I was stumped.


I didn’t even own one.  I had to go and buy one.

(actually, I bought four, which really helped when decorating all these cakes!)


I wanted to make sure all these cakes served a purpose, so this cake is for some friends that just welcomed another baby into their lives.  A sweet little boy!



I held the tip at a 90 degree angle, applied pressure and make slight circles with the tip.  Then made smaller ‘stacks’ in the inner circles.


While I will never claim to be an artist (I have too much respect for the people that are!) I really liked how this technique came out.


I hope its self explanatory, but if not, here is my very technical descriptions.

I took the frosting and made swirly lines and stuff.


And while I can honestly tell you that all of these cakes are very easy to execute, this was probably the easiest.

And my favorite.  I don’t know why… maybe because it has all the colors in the rainbow?  And I am obsessed with rainbows?


To make this cake I just used the grass tip as you normally would, but didn’t extend the tip to achieve the long grass.  Just short little dabs of frosting.

Thanks for pushing me beyond what I knew!  I had fun making these cakes and hope that our friends and family will have fun eating them!!

So what do you think I should tackle next???

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Meet Amanda Rettke

Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion – With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Country Living Magazine, People Magazine, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The Globe and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to name a few.

Reader Comments

  1. amanda.
    Are you for real?
    These cakes…with the grass tip…you are incredible.
    The sunset one..
    I can’t even speak, so beautiful.

  2. Wow. When I first suggested the grass tip, I didn’t think you could do that much with it. But WOW! The sunset one is ah-mazing! You are SO creative.

  3. ok.. i really don’t know what to say. except, you are definitely an inspiration. i don’t have much counter space, or baking and decorating equipment, but you sure have taught me that great things can come out of what little we have. i always thought i was limited with designs becuz i had such a small selection of tips, but now i have confidence! thanks so much! the sunset cake just made me lit up and the rainbow cake almost made me think about changing my daughter’s “rubber ducky” birthday cake to something with rainbows. but i already chose a “ducks in a pond” design so i must stay strong! lol. i don’t even know what tip to suggest next.

  4. Ha ha! Awesome!!!! I love my grass tip, but yeah, its usually used for grass. This is great! I especially love the sun cake, I may have to give that a shot! Way to “think outside the box”

  5. Ha ha! Awesome!!!! I love my grass tip, but yeah, its usually used for grass. This is great! I especially love the sun cake, I may have to give that a shot! Way to “think outside the box”

  6. Amanda!!! You are so much fun! So smart! So creative!
    Love that your major focus is just wonderful buttercream!

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