I'm so excited to share with you the 'behind the scenes' of my interview and cooking segment on Fox 9.  I have never been in a television studio and it was just as exciting as you would expect!

Well.  If you are a stay at home mom who doesnt get out much and is easily impressed.


When I arrived I walked into the studio where Karen Scullin was live reporting the news.  She was great!


I'm sorry these are so blurry… the sweet gal offered to take a
picture and I forgot to tell her how to use my camera… so you can see
that wall behind Karen is crystal clear! 😉

I sat down almost immediately and had my interview… I had no idea what it was about until about 27 seconds before it began.

This was my new best friend Dana's spot…she got me my microphone and told me to relax (I think she could sense my nervousness) and that it would all be just fine!

After the interview we went over to the 'kitchen' and I got all set up!



Very nice and helpful Ricky took this picture before we started.  (There is the Rainbow cake I forgot to get a picture of!)  The kids and DH were in the studio the whole time and were little angels!!  Having them there meant so much to me!


Here is Karen and I during the actual taping… Ricky had told me to pretend I was standing in my kitchen talking to my best friend about cooking.  So, thats what I did! 


Sorry this is so blurry and that I have alien eyes, but I was so happy when it was all over I was even willing to post for the camera!

So if you feel so inclined, go ahead and check out the segment here…and if you want to see all of the things I baked stop by i am baker.

And thanks for all the encouragement and support!  You guys are AMAZING!!

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Meet Amanda Rettke

Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion – With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Country Living Magazine, People Magazine, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The Globe and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to name a few.

Reader Comments

  1. Are you sure you’re not gonna be recognized at the store because I’m pretty sure you being on tv is gonna boost your bloggin’ hits and one day… one day someone’s gonna go OH MY GOSH you MUST be Amanda the rainbow cake lady!!!
    I can’t wait to watch it!

  2. WOW! You were on TV! And despite blurry pictures you look terrific. Can’t wait to see the interview. However, one downside. You cannot do a “things successful bloggers do that i don’t do” post on being on TV/radio :o) Cause you’ve been there girl!

  3. OMG!!! Big happenings!! You looked absolutely stunning and I’m betting the interview was fabulous. Congrats 🙂 Put up the link when they post it. I’d love to see you in all your movie stah glory!!!

  4. Shut Up!
    That is so cool!!!
    First of all you looked Great!
    And Can I just say from one stay at home that doesn’t get out to another, this is quite impressive!
    You are super talented and everyone should see.
    So happy for you!

  5. EEEKKKK! I’m so excited for you. I’m no longer reading your list of bloggy stuff- it’s all lies! 🙂 You are doing it all, and doing it right!
    Anyways, you look gorgeous, your kids (and hubby) are awesome, and I’m just so excited for you. Hugs, sweet lady.

  6. This is so cool! Did they just find your blog and beg you to come on the show for some fun bakin’ times? How awesome is that? Now I’m off to your other site to see the tasties you made for ’em! =-D
    BTW, I thought you looked great, too! And you’re back home now, right? So stop being nervous!!

  7. Wow! This was such an awesome post! What a neat experience!!! Congratulations. I’m sure there will be more of this to come. You looked beautiful.. I love the scarf… I never could have worn such a thing… I would have been sweating bullets already from nervousness and then the scarf would have made it worse. You look completely at ease in the pictures. Do we get to see any video?

  8. CONGRATS! Can I have your autograph? LOL. You look great. I don’t think I’d seen a picture of you with your huband and kids.
    Keep at it… you do great work! Can’t wait to see what God does in you and through you. 🙂

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