I have a little obsession with burgers. For as long as I can remember, its my go-to meal at any restaurant we frequent.

I will pick a burger over a steak any day.
And this is my latest obsession.
An over-medium fried egg, fresh sliced avocado, and thick sliced Roma tomatoes on a grilled hamburger.
Dipped in our homemade ketchup of course!
So what is your favorite way to eat burger?
Yum! Why have I never tried a burger with an egg on it?! I am definitely trying this soon. My favorite burger would have to be a classic grilled burger but with a big chunk of melty brie on top. Ok and throw in some caramelized onions too. Yum.
That sounds amazing. I have never had brie on a burger!! You are so classy. 😉
YUM! I love burgers! I just had an Umami burger at the new Bop N Grill (a Korean fusion restaurant) in Chicago. I’ll be doing a food review of it tomorrow so please feel free to view my post! wwww.graceyounglee.blogspot.com
Nice beauty shot! That’s a good looking burger.
I can see why you would be obsessed with this. Really. Gimme bacon + cheese and all is right in the world 🙂
Honestly – I don’t even like burgers + that picture is making my mouth water. It could also be because I have yet to eat lunch but regardless – yummy!!
looks fantastic, I’d take a burger any day too 🙂
Besides blue cheese burgers, pizza burgers are yummy! Or really any way you can serve it to me I’d probably LOVE it!
That sounds great… a pizza burger! I must try it!
I would live to know what is inside your awesome burger.
Would you mind sharing?
I want one of these burgers right now!
9:22 a.m. is close enough to lunch, right?
Was just wondering…where is the recipe for My Favorite Hamburger? There is no link on your site to get to it or even to find it…
Do you have a recipe for hamburger steak? I need a good one and I love your recipes!